Companies throughout the world are recognizing the importance of launching blogs as an integral part of their marketing strategies. This is even occurring in developing, non-western countries. LG Electronics, a prominent international firm, for example, has recently decided that blogging might be the way to build and maintain a loyal customer base in Malaysia, even if internet usage in this Asian nation is still lower than in more developed countries. LG became the first electronics firm to establish a blog in Malaysia and decided to turn the site?s launch into a major public event. The new LG blog will aim to do what firms with the most successful and effective internet presence strive for throughout the world, namely to offer clients an opportunity to not only learn more about the newest line of electronic products and services, but to also provide a public, online forum for feedback and regular consumer communication with the firm. </p> <p>Blogs offer the best way to market new products, while at the same time providing clients with useful tips and industry information that goes beyond simple commercial advertising. Blogs can also attract candid opinions on what consumers really think about a given service or item. Ko Tae Yeon, LG?s managing director in Malaysia, noted that bloggers serve as the ?pulse? of today?s youth consumers, who also happen to be among the most prominent clients for electronic products. A growing number of consumers throughout the world trust blogs more than other sites, because they feel that product reviews and other posts are much more likely to include candid and unbiased opinions and a rich diversity of views.</p> <p>Thank you to the Sun Daily for the initial report.<br />
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