The key to producing effective online articles or blog posts as a freelance content writer is to have a compelling introductory sentence and a clear overarching theme in each article. The vast majority of readers turn to the internet when they are looking for quick, convenient and concise information, and not a lengthy doctoral dissertation. As such, the key to effective content writing is to write a catchy first sentence which will convince the visitor to read on, rather than click to another site. </p> <p>The first couple of sentences in any online written article should serve two purposes. First, they must introduce the article?s overarching theme, message or the points to be discussed in detail. Second, these sentences must justify or sell the article to the reader. The simple and straightforward question that all content writers must ask themselves before completing an article is why anyone should care about the topic being discussed. As such, the first sentences must justify the given article?s importance and why the reader needs to know about the issues being discussed. </p> <p>For example, if a freelancer is writing an article on the merger of two major airlines, he/she must present this news in such a way that captures the interest of those who may not be especially well-versed in the minute details of the commercial aviation industry. But if the freelancer suggests that major airline mergers could lead to less competition, higher airfares, service cutbacks, thousands of job losses and cancelled routes at the very beginning of the article, readers will understand that seemingly distant events in one sector of the economy can have a direct impact on their everyday lives. Once they understand the deeply personal impact of an issue or event, web users will almost certainly read the rest of the piece.<br />
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