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Blogging celebrates tenth anniversary

Posted on Friday 12 of June by admin

Over the years, blogs have become such a vital part of our online experience and a term so commonly used in print, digital and electronic media, that it is often easy to forget that blogging is celebrating its first decade of existence this year. While the term ?weblog? was first used by Jorn Barger?America?s very first blogger?in 1997, the more common contraction used today first appeared in spring 1999, when blogging truly took off among those with a keen interest in online communication. Unlike today, however, blogging was a much more technologically strenuous activity in its early days, than it is now. While many corporate and personal blogs use Wordpress technology to ensure quick, automatic updates, as well as an effective platform for reader feedback, all changes and uploads had to be done manually ten years ago. </p> <p>Veteran blogger Brad Fitzgerald established LiveJournal in 1999, and it was this move that really propelled blogging from a hobby among a small minority of technologically savvy internet users, to a popular activity among people of all ages and backgrounds. Corporate blogs, on the other hand, began to appear five years ago, when companies, political parties and even governments started setting up their first blogs in 2004. Some of the world?s largest companies realized that the benefits of personal blogging could be transplanted into the corporate world, where retaining a loyal clientele, soliciting their feedback on products and services, as well as disseminating industry-specific news are all components of a successful twenty-first century business.<br />


Why News Feeds Improve Search Engine Rankings

Posted on Thursday 11 of June by admin

If you are a web site owner, one of your goals should be to get a high search engine ranking for your site. Ideally, you want to be in the top 10. Adding a news feed to your site will help to improve your ranking on various search engines and make it more likely that you will get close to the top of the list for your chosen keywords.</p> <p>Here's how it works: Search engine spiders, or bots, are constantly crawling the web looking changes to web sites. When you update your content on a regular basis, you give them something to take back to the search engine to index. Since news feeds are content that is updated regularly, your site is getting indexed on a regular basis.</p> <p>Regular indexing means that the search engine spiders will visit your site more often. As a result, your site gets indexed more quickly. This process will lead to a higher search engine ranking.</p> <p>Why is a High Search Engine Ranking Important?</p> <p>The answer is very simple: think about how Internet users have a relatively short attention span. When they are looking for information, they are not going to take the time to go through a hundred sites to find what they are looking for. Most people don't go beyond the first couple of pages of results.</p> <p>Ideally, you want to be in the top 10 for your keywords. Adding a news feed relevant to your target market will give the search engine spiders new content to crawl through regularly and improve your ranking for those words.


Content writers focus on both keywords and quality writing

Posted on Wednesday 10 of June by admin

While demand for freelance writing remains high?even as staff members in traditional newsrooms are experiencing major cutbacks due to the recession?web-based content writing seems to be a particularly booming sector. The reason behind this is that the very nature of the internet and search engines is that they are both based not only on large amounts of written content , but specifically on articles that are easily searchable. While a regular freelancer working on an article for print publications would normally focus exclusively on developing and presenting a story, a content writer must strike a balance between good writing and search engine optimization (SEO). This normally means that content writers will include as many keywords as possible when writing an article, whilst not taking away from the overall quality of the piece and also ensuring that the story is interesting enough to attract readers.</p> <p>Content writers pay special attention to search engine optimization when writing material for corporate blogs or websites, as the client?s key goals are to provide their readers with valuable information, while also ensuring that search engines generate traffic to their site. SEO is more important than ever before, since services such as Google News are based entirely on keywords. Millions of internet users throughout the world subscribe to Google News, by providing the search engine with a list of keywords. Google will then deliver those articles every day to their e-mail inbox that prominently feature these highlighted terms. As such, content writing?coupled with services provided by major search engines?can dramatically increase a company?s online visibility.<br />


Fashion industry increasingly relies on bloggers

Posted on Monday 08 of June by admin

Some of the most prominent leaders in the fashion industry?including both major companies and well-known designers?are turning to blogs, in order to more effectively reach consumers. Joel Knoernschild, the designer behind a trendy brand of male clothing known as KZO, recently decided to take the jump into the blogosphere, by bypassing traditional magazines and newspapers in which he would normally seek public input or use to market his ideas, and replaced these with blogs. Reviews published on popular blogs allowed Knoernschild to determine with much greater precision what consumers were looking for, thus helping him build his brand. </p> <p>Knoernschild noted that the most positive aspect about blogs is that when articles are published on them, they will be linked, quoted and referenced very quickly on a whole range of other sites. One of the reasons behind this is that articles posted on blogs are generally indexed almost immediately by Google, and often make their way into the popular search engine?s special news and blog indexing sections. </p> <p>Jenni Kayne, a designer based in Los Angeles, has also discovered the important role that blogs play in keeping touch with prospective customers. Kayne always makes sure to invite prominent bloggers to her shows, because she realizes that they now play a crucial role in getting out her message. Kayne even went as far as to suggest that getting bloggers on board may soon become more essential than enlisting the interest of established print publications. </p> <p>Thank you to the Los Angeles Times for the initial report.<br />


Draw Traffic to Your Site with Effective Headlines

Posted on Sunday 07 of June by admin

When used properly, headlines can draw targeted traffic to your web site. To get maximum effectiveness from this strategy, you will need to write headlines that attract search engines as well as human users. Here are some suggestions that will help you accomplish this goal.</p> <p>Include Keywords in Your Headline</p> <p>When you include targeted keywords in your headline, you attract the attention of search engine crawlers, who are constantly working to gather the data used to index sites, as well as your site visitors. They want to know what your web site or your web pages are about before they take the time to click through to read your content. Using good keywords in your headlines accomplishes both of these goals.</p> <p>Ask a Question in Your Headline</p> <p>Pretend that your target reader is in the same room as you. If you want to get their attention, ask them a question that will engage them in conversation, as opposed to presenting them with a solution to a problem they may be facing. The idea is to draw the person in by inviting them to learn more. Here are some examples:</p> <p>Are you tired of....?<br /> Would you like to have more.....?<br /> Have you ever wanted.....?</p> <p>Use Numbers in Your Headline</p> <p>When you use numbers in your headline, you give your site visitors a clear idea of what information they are going to receive by visiting your site. They will find the top 3 reasons why they need to do or change something, or 5 tips for improving their lives in some way. Never discount the fact that many people who are surfing the Internet are looking for solutions to problems they are facing. If you can give them the information they need, you are on your way to making them a loyal customer for your product or service.


3 Ways News Feeds Draw Visitors to Your Site

Posted on Friday 05 of June by admin

If you have heard about the benefits of adding a news feed to your site but are wondering about how this feature can increase your web site traffic, consider these 3 ways a news feed can draw visitors to your web site.</p> <p>1. Your content is updated regularly.</p> <p>Internet users are hungry for new information and a site that is updated on a regular basis is going to get more visitors than one that has been left to stagnate for a time.</p> <p>2. Regular updates mean your site is indexed by search engines more often.</p> <p>Search engine crawlers are constantly going through the Internet looking for sites that have added content. Your news feeds will be indexed in the same fashion that any other new content is. Web surfers who are looking for information will be able to find your site in search results through your news feeds.</p> <p>3. A news feed gets your site in front of potential buyers.</p> <p>When a visitor to your site signs up to receive your news updates, you have an opportunity to get your web site's content in front of them on a regular basis. If you are providing information that is relevant and helpful to your target market, they will be more inclined to visit your site. The news feed keeps you and your site in front of your market on a regular basis, and when they decide they are ready to place an order for a product or a service, they are more likely to do so from someone they are already familiar with.</p> <p>Adding a news feed to your site is a proven method to give your traffic numbers a boost. The simple fact is that more traffic equals more sales. If you ignore this method of getting exposure to your site, you are missing out on a way to increase sales.


Major manufacturers tune in to bloggers

Posted on Friday 05 of June by admin

Some of America?s largest brand names in the retail industry?including Gap, Old Navy and Walmart?are increasingly relying on blogs and bloggers to provide them with candid feedback on what consumers think about their products, and some are now also publishing corporate blogs in order to build a closer relationship with their clientele. Many companies have recently come to comprehend the growing importance of blogs as they discovered that even the most unassuming bloggers can attract tens of thousands of readers per month. For example, when a young American mother, Melissa Garcia, used her popular blog?ConsumerQueen--to criticize Old Navy?s frugal attitude when it comes to coupons, the firm realized that this blogger has an audience of over 30,000 readers a month, and decided to offer customers more coupons than before. Unilever and Frigidaire are also taking blogs more seriously, having realized that consumers turn to these online journalists more than to anyone else, when they seek commercial tips. Both firms decided to offer bloggers a package of complimentary sample products, in exchange for blog reviews. </p> <p>Walmart recently went even further by setting up a blog community comprised of 24 bloggers, focused heavily on encouraging young mothers to offer their opinions on consumer products and provide a range of useful consumer tips by blogging. What a growing number of companies now realize is that the international recession means that consumers are more cautious than ever before about spending their money. As such, candid reviews published by bloggers, as well as useful tips and suggestions offered on corporate blogs attracts both readers and potential clients. </p> <p>Thank you to the Associated Press for the initial report.<br />


Lists make written content more attractive and memorable

Posted on Wednesday 03 of June by admin

Some of the world?s most successful periodicals have long ago figured out the best way to attract new readers and to ensure that people don?t just skim their articles, but actually delve into them with keen interest. Newspaper and magazine editors have realized that lists capture the attention of readers and that simply re-working an article?s headline and format might make an otherwise run-of-the-mill piece stand out from the crowd. Publications that run articles on 15 ways to lose weight, 10 ways of saving money on your next holiday, eight tips on buying a car and five strategies on getting accepted to the best universities each provide readers with useful information organized in a clear, straightforward format.</p> <p>Online content writing or corporate blogging may be especially well suited to this style. Creating lists, or offering readers step-by-step information helps them to remember what they read and, in turn, the company or organization that provided them with a memorable article. The most experienced content writers recommend that it is best to create lists with no more than seven points, as online readers are looking for a source of quick information and do not want to be inundated with a laundry list of facts. The headlines that accompany these articles should follow the same philosophy in that shorter tends to be more effective. An ideal headline in online content writing is comprised of approximately seven or eight words. In every case, however, there are two overarching goals that a content writer must remember?namely, to attract readers in the first place and then to ensure that they remember as much as possible of what they read and the organization that provided them with the information.<br /> Thank you to Carmine Gallo of Business Week for the initial report.<br />


Good content writing best way to promote website

Posted on Monday 01 of June by admin

One of the best ways to promote a business or personal website is to upload a regular stream of quality articles, which go beyond simply advertising a product, but rather provide the reader with useful tips or industry-specific information. Not only do articles ensure that regular visitors keep returning to the site, but they also help increase the company?s ranking in Google, which indexes pages based on a range of factors, including readership, keyword relevancy and by the number of external sites that link to the page. </p> <p>If content writing is an important aspect of any company?s online marketing strategy, the question remains: what are the characteristics of a top notch online article? The most important characteristic that a content writer must keep in mind is to write for the broadest possible audience. The goal of content writing is to attract a wide range of readers, including those who may not speak English as their native language and people with vastly different levels of education. This means that the language used should be straightforward and clear, without any convoluted ideas or sentences. Not everyone knows that traditionally, newspapers encouraged journalists to write articles in ways that are comprehensible to school children. In order to reach a broad audience, online writing should follow the same approach.</p> <p>Freelance content writers aim to remove any unnecessary ?fluff? from their articles, in order to provide a clear introduction, body and a brief conclusion. In articles under 500 words, the writer would use the first two to three sentences to introduce the subject matter and indicate the direction which the rest of the article will take. This approach allows for readers who are short on time to skim the first couple of sentences and get a general idea of what the rest of the article is about. Naturally, this also greatly increases the importance of producing an engaging introduction, which will encourage the visitor to read on.<br />


5 Reasons You Need a Blog

Posted on Sunday 31 of May by admin

If you are in business today, you probably already appreciate why you need to have a web site. There are good reasons why you need a blog as well, but many companies haven't gone ahead to set one up. There are some really good reasons why you should start a blog now. Consider the following:</p> <p>1. A blog helps to create an online presence for your company.<br /> In much the same way that a web site tells the online community that you are open and ready to do business, a blog is a form of advertising that works for you, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.</p> <p>2. A blog gives your company a human face.</p> <p>Blogs posts are written in more conversational tones than web copy, and give you an opportunity to talk to your customers (and potential customers). Use this format to tell your customers about new products or promotions that your company is offering. You can also use blog posts to offer information or advice to your customers about an issue they are facing (and how your company's product or service can help them solve it).</p> <p>3. A blog allows your customers to give you feedback.</p> <p>Visitors to your blog can ask questions or tell you about their experiences dealing with your company. Whether the comments are positive or negative, you need to know what your customers' experience is like. That way, you can make changes to your customer service policies as appropriate.</p> <p>4. A blog helps you to develop a relationship with your customers.</p> <p>Once your customers know that their concerns are being heard and addressed, they are more likely to buy from you. While you should always be looking to increase your customer base, it shouldn't be at the expense of ignoring the needs of your core group of customers. Take the time to build up a rapport with your customers, and they will come back to buy from you over and over.</p> <p>5. A blog will help you increase revenue and build your business.</p> <p>Do you need a better reason than the fact that a blog will improve your bottom line to start one?



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