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Google Under Investigation Regarding Pharmacy Adverts

Posted on Friday 13 of May by admin

In the USA, Google is the focus of an investigation surrounding what are being referred to as ?rogue pharmaceutical? advertisements; that is, online pharmacies who deal in fraudulent practices ? a problem faced by the US because of their often high prescription drug prices.</p> <p>According to Google, the recent influx of online pharmacies claiming to sell prescription drugs for lower costs has created an insurmountable task in trying to sort out which are legitimate and which are scams.</p>


Widespread Hack Spreads Virus on Facebook

Posted on Thursday 12 of May by admin

Trending on Twitter and being discussed on several websites, including the The Next Web, is yet another Facebook targeted virus being spread via a widespread hack.</p> <p>This virus appears in the wake of the very recent Osama Bin Laden virus; a virus which asked users to cut and paste a URL that would take them to a video of Bin Laden?s death, then infected their computers, and passed itself along via a Facebook status update.</p>


Report Says: Five Million Facebook Users Are Under Age Ten

Posted on Wednesday 11 of May by admin

</p> <p>The report, which was released to the public yesterday, bases its findings on a survey that included 2,089 people from a TNS consumer panel.</p>


Google?s +1 to Rival Facebook?s Like

Posted on Wednesday 11 of May by admin

According to the development team at Google, the company has developed a rival to the Facebook Like button called Google +1 and it is set to make its debut sometime within the next few weeks.</p> <p>Yesterday, at the Google I/O conference, which was held in San Francisco California, Google gave attendees a look at the new button.</p>


Facebook Drives More News Traffic Than Twitter

Posted on Tuesday 10 of May by admin

According to Pew Research Center and as reported on social media sites, when it comes to traffic and the top online news sites, Facebook has been shown to be more valuable than Twitter.</p> <p>The contents of the study, which were released on Monday, used Nielsen data concerning the number of unique visitors per month on 25 top US news sites.</p>


Google?s face-lift

Posted on Saturday 07 of May by admin

</p> <p>Has anybody else noticed that Google?s results page looks different in the last few days?</p> <p>Moreover, has anybody else noticed that Google?s results page now looks almost identical to Bing?s? Hang on, doesn?t it look similar Yahoo?s results page, too?</p> <p>There?s no doubt that Google is an innovator when it comes to search-based and technological breakthroughs, but why copy the layout of their main competitors? results pages?</p> <p>Would Rembrandt have copied the artwork of one of the many pretenders to his canvas-shaped throne?</p> <p>Highly unlikely. So why has Google copied Yahoo and Bing? Well, it?s all down to a culmination of Google?s advances in Universal Search, the Search Options panel and Google Squared ? meaning that they needed an easy-to-use function in which to display their new technologies.</p> <p>Make no mistake, this is a progressive step forward for the world of search ? offering a wider range of suggestions to match the search term ? but why couldn?t they lead the way in terms of layout as well?</p> <p>It?s almost a ringing endorsement to Yahoo and Bing ? an acceptance that their competitors have been getting it right. Come on, Google, don?t be a digital sheep.</p> <p>


Judge Rules IP Address is Not Person

Posted on Friday 06 of May by admin

In a world where internet content is king and content can be downloaded, the battle that is raging over whether lawsuits and actions against internet users who use peer-to-peer services to download copyrighted content are even worth it.</p> <p>In the past year, over 100,000 internet users have been sued in the USA by different copyright holders.</p>


Google Chrome: As Seen On TV

Posted on Thursday 05 of May by admin

Regardless of your content writing expertise, whether it is blogging or writing eBooks, internet research can play an important part in the development process and web browsers are necessary to perform this task effectively.</p>


Social Media and Its Impact on How We Gather Information

Posted on Wednesday 04 of May by admin

</p> <p>The death of Osama bin Laden is what most of the world is talking about.</p>


North Korea Confiscating Mobiles to Block Information

Posted on Wednesday 04 of May by admin

In a world where newsworthy content is readily available from so many venues ? traditional media, social networking sites, blogs, news feeds ? countries that rely on controlling information in order to control their citizens are finding the task more difficult.</p>



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