<br /> One of the few sectors of the economy that appears to be expanding in these recessionary times is online content writing, according to professional British freelancer, David Fraser. As the author of an e-book entitled Content Writing Riches, Fraser argues that a growing number of people with good written communication skills and a basic grasp of how to use word processors or how to conduct internet-based research, are generating impressive incomes through freelancing online. The role of a content writer is certainly quite different from that of a traditional newspaper freelance columnist or journalist. Content writing generally involves producing a relatively large number of short, succinct articles on a regular basis and on a diverse range of topics. Research is conducted almost exclusively online using reliable news sources and content writers aim to ensure that what they write is clear, direct and easily appreciated by a wide audience.<br /> Fraser argues that content writing has become popular because firms, website owners and even community organizations increasingly realize that the best way to generate traffic to their website is to provide plenty of original, keyword-rich content. Content creation companies can provide quality articles written in all styles for a fraction of what most print-based freelance journalists would charge.<br /> Fraser boldly states that the internet is ?largely recession proof? and also believes that it is entirely realistic for dedicated content writers to earn a full-time income through online writing projects, particularly if the aspiring author is a native English speaker with proven written communication skills.</p> <p>
ContinuedContent writing industry expands despite recession
Cut Expenses by Creating Alternatives
A recent survey release by Mintel indicates that many people are finding ways to still enjoy a portion of their favourite activities while still cutting expenses.</p>
ContinuedMajor British newspaper recognizes growing importance of blogs
The Observer became the first major national Sunday newspaper in the United Kingdom to recognize the undeniable importance of blogging, by launching its own blog earlier this year. Published by The Guardian?one of Britain?s largest and most respected daily publications?The Observer?s blog offers readers new insight into the editing process, candid ?behind the scenes? information on important news stories, as well as an opportunity for readers to engage in open debates. Newspapers are starting to realize that one of the major strengths of the blogosphere is the fact that readers are invited to engage in dialogues with editors and writers more than ever before. Blogs often differ from more conventional forms of journalism in that they encourage direct interaction between readers and writers, and also aim to provide valuable information in a more personal?and occasionally even colloquial?style.<br /> The Observer?s new blogger is Rafael Behr, the paper?s online editor and prominent columnist. According to his own description, the blog aims to provide readers with a ?fly on the wall? glimpse into the editorial and publishing process. Additionally, blog readers will be taken seriously, as their views will help shape the website?s future direction.<br /> While only a few years ago, blogging may have been seen as merely a hobby and pleasant pastime for self-made armchair journalists, today companies both small and large see it as an essential business and marketing strategy. Traditional print journalists are also keen to jump into the increasingly popular and influential blogosphere.<br /> Thank you to The Observer for the initial report.
ContinuedBlogs have increasingly important public role in UK
We have written on numerous occasions on the growing importance of blogs for businesses and community organizations in an increasingly information-driven world. Recent political events in Britain underline the fact that people in the highest offices have come to understand the value and importance of blogs, as the activities of bloggers start to have a noteworthy political, social and economic impact. The Herald newspaper, for example, exclaimed that it was now time to ?embrace a brave new world of blogging.? The Herald, and all major newspapers in the UK, featured prominently a recent story about a blogger who may have managed to damage Prime Minister Gordon Brown?s Labour government more than all of the opposition MPs and conservative-leaning publications put together. This became most apparent when prominent conservative blogger Paul Staines uncovered an internal governmental e-mail suggesting that a civil servant associated with the highest levels of the Labour government was contemplating launching a smear campaign against key Tory politicians, ahead of next year?s expected election.<br /> Blogs made headline news in the United Kingdom when it was revealed that Labour press advisor Damian McBride sent an e-mail from a computer at 10 Downing Street, which contained unverifiable and malicious rumours, and generally questionable allegations against Tories, to Labour-leaning activist, Derek Draper. Blogger Paul Staines did what traditional journalists failed to do: he broke a major news story in the UK on his blog, resulting in McBride?s resignation and an apology from Prime Minister Brown; all of which will likely have big political ramifications. Whatever one might think about Staines? political views, he demonstrated that blogs and bloggers can give traditional journalists a run for their money, that they can perform top-notch research, publish quality news stories and bring about major change.
ContinuedMillionaire offers freelance content writers tips for success
<br /> British millionaire entrepreneur Deborah Meadan published an extensive article earlier this month in which she offered detailed tips on how freelance content writers, as well as all those who work or run their business from home, can remain successful and motivated. Meadan notes that working from home has its advantages?freelance contract workers get to cut their daily commute and those running small businesses can save a small fortune each month on office rent. But working from home?whether as a freelance writer or entrepreneur?requires a high level of self-discipline. Meaden?s first tip is to ensure that there are no distractions in the freelancer?s work area. It is best to set up a formal office environment. This should be relatively Spartan and devoid of comforts or luxuries that might distract the content writer from completing his/her assignments as efficiently as possible. It is, however, a good idea to keep a coffeemaker or kettle in one?s office, in order to cut out an unnecessary trip to the kitchen, which could interrupt an otherwise productive work day.<br /> Meaden recommends that freelancer writers and entrepreneurs based from home set clear working hours, five days a week. This might mean a 9am to 3pm workday, but it will be the freelancer?s responsibility to ensure that other family members in the house understand that these hours are to be respected. This does not mean that a freelance content writer or telecommuter should feel isolated or become an introvert. Meaden argues that one of the best ways to remain motivated is to maintain regular contact with one?s project manager or potential clients.<br /> A growing number of people are now telecommuting, while many businesses are concentrating their efforts on the web?by creating elaborate websites and content-rich blogs?while saving money on office rent. This could be a win-win situation for all involved, provided that the freelance content writer or entrepreneur remains motivated and self-disciplined throughout.<br /> Thank you to Experts for Better Business for the initial report.</p> <p>
ContinuedFocus and mission key to successful blogging
<br /> What makes blogs so attractive to readers is that they offer valuable insight into niche topics often not covered in such detail or in a personal manner by major publications. The blogosphere?s experts believe that the best blogs are those that have a clearly defined focus and goal in mind, in terms of the type of information that they wish to diffuse. Some of the most extensively visited blogs are those focusing on the travel industry, on real estate or rentals, investment opportunities in specific regions, or on the technology sector. What all of these blogs have in common is that they do not aim to cover everything under the sun, but build up a positive reputation within a specific niche market.<br /> Those looking to profit financially from blogs are especially urged to provide a clear focus. Freelance writers employed by the largest content providers can write posts on just about any topic and companies that use blogs as part of their marketing strategy can turn to Adsense or Adbrite to feed targeted ads to their site, which will help generate revenue. Blogs with the most content and with the most frequently posted articles will usually earn to highest revenue from these pay-per-click advertising systems. As a general rule of thumb, bloggers should post at least one article per day, in order to build a base of returning visitors.<br /> A focused blog should also provide internal links, or an image which allows the reader to connect to some of the services provided by the given company. For example, a blog focused on travel-related news might offer links to an internal hotel reservation system, or to car rentals booking form.<br /> Thank you to Business in Berkshire for the initial report. </p> <p>
ContinuedGet Your Website Into Google News in just 10 Steps.
</p> <p>Google News has always been seen as the exclusive domain of very large websites with comprehensive brand presence: no more!</p> <p>Just follow these 10 steps and you will be on your way to Google News Glory!</p> <p>This post has been written to help get your site ready to be submitted to Google News.</p>
ContinuedHow To Write Great News Stories In 6 Steps
Writing a good news story is not easy and requires practice but if you follow this recommended structure you cannot go far wrong.</p> <p>Step 1: The Headline - Make sure its news related.<br /> Step 2: The Lead - The lead relays the facts.<br /> Step 3: The Why - Expand upon the lead.<br /> Step 4: The Who - Who is it about?<br /> Step 5: In-Depth & Background. (The Nut Graph)<br /> Step 6: The Round Off Or Kicker - Your Conclusion.</p> <p>Step 1: The Headline (Make sure its news related)<br /> The standard way to write a headline is to be factual and to inform the reader of the core content of the article in just a few words.</p>
ContinuedBlogging becomes respected form of journalism
<br /> Only a few years ago, relatively few in the traditional journalism establishment took blogs and bloggers seriously, with many seeing this as a modern-day vanity press. But with a growing number of people looking for news and commentary twenty-four hours a day over the internet, with scores of celebrities and major companies taking up blogging and with Google News indexing these stories and delivering them to millions of inboxes per day, the blogosphere has now earned its rightful place under the sun.<br /> Popular blogs can now attract a similarly large audience as major regional or city newspapers, but for a fraction of the price and much quicker than print publications. Bloggers?rather than traditional journalists?are increasingly the ones reporting on breaking news first, and blogs are certainly much faster when it comes to offering instant commentary and editorial content than print publications, as they do not have to worry about space restrictions, or firm deadlines set by printers. As such, blogs offer a much more flexible news service than traditional papers, and this flexibility allows bloggers to report more effectively on rapidly unfolding stories.<br /> Companies that provide industry-specific news content on their websites are also well advised to turn to the blog format. Blog articles are picked up by Google almost instantly, and they can usually be included in the Google News feed. Additionally, launching and maintaining a blog costs a small fraction of what any company would pay if they were to print a more formal newsletter and hire the services of a journalist. Major content providers employ teams of freelance writers who can offer faster turn-around on news articles or blog posts for much lower prices. </p> <p>
ContinuedThe three golden rules of content writing
<br /> The North Bay Nugget, a Canadian regional newspaper, recently published three ?golden rules? on how to be a successful freelance writer. Most veteran freelancers and content writers probably agree that it is not especially difficult to launch an online writing career, but it is far more challenging to actually stay and prosper in this business over an extended period of time. This is certainly not due to a lack of projects. In fact, the rise of major content providers and the growing importance of blogs and original content-driven websites means that there are more projects available than ever before. But maintaining a successful freelance writing career is not just about tracking down those freelance projects, but being disciplined enough to keep writing, even if a freelancer?s only immediate boss is him or herself.<br /> The first golden rule in the content writing business is to read extensively. Content writers must have excellent research and writing skills. The best way to develop one?s ability to explain news events and complex ideas in a succinct manner is to see how the most experienced journalists writing for the largest papers manage to do this. Sampling different writing styles?including formal, journalistic, punditry and even informal?is especially useful.<br /> The most experienced freelancers also suggest that those in the content writing business write for pleasure, and not just for work. If one associates writing exclusively with formal work-related duties, it will make it difficult to stay motivated. Finally, the old adage that ?practice makes perfect? is still a wise tip. Nobody is born with excellent writing skills, but everyone has the chance to develop their ability through practice.<br /> Thank you to the North Bay Nugget for the initial report. </p> <p>