The two most important elements of effective content writing are clarity and purpose, as the goal is to ensure that the reader understands what direction a given article is going in starting from the first sentence and can then follow a clear train of thought for the remainder of the piece. Web-based content writing is not the place to write long-winded introductions or to go off on numerous tangents. Instead, the content writer should always ask him/herself what the main purpose is behind an article?what he/she wishes to achieve and what message must be conveyed?and then ensure that the piece is tightly focused around these themes. </p> <p>The best way to go about this is to make sure that the first sentence of a short article accurately reflects the actual content of the entire piece. For example, a travel-related news site would almost certainly carry the airline industry?s breaking news today, namely the collapse of SkyEurope?a major European low-cost carrier?and the fact that more than 1,200 passengers now find themselves stranded at airports. If a content writer were producing an article on this topic, his/her first sentence should introduce all the main points of this story and might sound something like this: Slovakia?s SkyEurope?one of continental Europe?s main low-cost carriers?filed for bankruptcy early this morning, stranding thousands of passengers and shedding light on the challenges that all airlines face due to the global recession. </p> <p>Once this introductory sentence has been written, the content writer must make sure to stay focused. This can be achieved by concentrating the entire article around the three points outlined above?namely, the circumstances of SkyEurope?s bankruptcy, the fate of passengers and the impact of the recession on the airline industry--and then explaining each in some detail.<br />
ContinuedClarity and purpose central to good content writing
Blogs begin to dominate fashion industry
Glossy and often expensive fashion magazines have been the way to find out about sartorial developments and the newest trends for the past hundred years, but this is now clearly changing, as blogs begin to take over as one of the main conduits of fashion news. The younger generations increasingly prefer clicking through the posts on a blog over flipping through the pages in a fashion magazine for two simple reasons?bloggers are now the first ones to report on breaking news and blogs are completely free of charge. In contrast, old-fashioned magazines published once a week?or even just once a month in many cases?simply cannot compete with blogs when it comes to the rapid dissemination of news at no cost to the reader. In fact, fashion magazines are the ones having to catch up with blogs, which often report on what was most recently seen on the catwalk days, if not weeks, before magazines. </p> <p>Face Hunter is one of the most prominent fashion-related blogs, and is published by avid blogger and international fashion expert Yvan Rodic. What makes Rodic?s blog stand out from the larger, traditional fashion media organizations is that he offers an authentic experience for readers by traveling throughout the world and snapping photos of seemingly ?ordinary? people walking down the streets of the largest cities, but often making rather extraordinary fashion statements. </p> <p>Diane Pernet?s blog, entitled ?A Shaded View on Fashion,? also offers something rarely seen in traditional fashion magazines, namely depth. Rather than simply publishing photos and short write-ups of those involved in the fashion world, Pernet conducts one-one interviews with the newest fashion designers, some of whom may in the future become internationally-recognized names.<br />
ContinuedMajor American newspaper partners with blog
The Seattle Times, one of America?s most prominent daily newspapers, has clearly come to realize the growing importance blogging in the media world and as such, has decided to strike a partnership with a local blog, in order to get a more grassroots perspective on community developments. Blogs are often most successful if they either focus on a niche topic, or if they serve a specific geographic community. In the case of corporate blogs, the ones that have a clearly defined theme and offer relevant news in a specific industry can catch on quickly with readers, especially when they are included in the Google News feed. </p> <p>The Seattle Times decided to partner with the West Seattle Blog, as well as with Next Door Media, a firm which publishes a handful of other blogs. But this West Coast daily newspaper is hardly the only major media outlet to join hands with the blogosphere in recent months. Fischer Communications, for example, runs local radio and television stations, but will now also publish up to 43 blog-style websites, each heavily focused on local and neighbourhood news. </p> <p>Thanks to this agreement, the Seattle Times will share its content with these blogs, as well as link and promote the posts that appear on partner websites. As such, the partner blogs will enjoy much greater exposure than ever before. Both the Times and the blogs will also look into how they can help each other increase their advertising revenue. This partnership is a clear indication that traditional print media now takes blogging so seriously, that it is willing to enter into substantial financial agreements with the most accomplished bloggers.<br />
ContinuedNew Zealand-based author gives tips on content writing
Anita Jenkins, an author affiliated with the New Zealand Herald, noted that today?s readers are looking to understand complex issues and topics as quickly as possible and do not want to get bogged down in complicated prose. As such, the content writer?s responsibility is not only to grab the reader?s attention by making a potentially dry topic seem fascinating, but also explain complicated processes and developments in a succinct, easily comprehensible manner. Jenkins notes that the key to success is using plain language, which nowadays is applied not only in online content writing, but even in legislative and technical documents. </p> <p>Whenever a content writer starts crafting an article, he/she must first ask what type of knowledge the potential reader may already have about the topic at hand. For example, if the author is writing about the difficulty of obtaining buy-to-let loans, he/she must first determine whether or not it might be appropriate to briefly explain the difference between regular mortgages and loans sought by landlords or investors. The content writer must then proceed to write as though he/she were having a professional verbal discussion with the reader. This is true for both online articles, as well as blog posts, as it makes content writing much more natural, rather than technical and aloof. Jenkins argues that it is never a good idea to rely on a lengthy or complicated term, if a shorter and more widely recognized one is also available. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid expressions taken from foreign languages whenever possible and also to try to use the passive voice sparingly. All of this helps create much more engaging written content.<br />
ContinuedThe Web Article Deconstructed
Writing for the web is not the same type of activity as other forms of written communication. People who are looking at books or magazines for information are usually looking for in-depth information. They take the time to sit down with these forms of media and savor them in a way that Internet users just don't do.
ContinuedBlogging not just for the young
Blogging may have started off as the niche hobby of savvy young technology enthusiasts, but it has certainly grown immensely over the years and now entices people in all age ranges. Nothing proves this more than the fact that the world?s oldest blogger, Florida resident Randall Butisingh, recently turned 96 years old. Butisingh has been blogging for the past ten years, but he recently came to the attention of the blogosphere when the web-based organization Life Begins at 80 gave the veteran blogger the ?Greypow Award.? Butisingh, in fact, played an important role in spreading awareness of computers and the internet among the world?s senior citizens and his own blog continues to encourage these generations to embrace online opportunities. </p> <p>Butisingh is hardly the only blogger who has passed 80 years of age but still enjoys publishing written content on the internet. Until recently, Butisingh was only the world?s second oldest blogger, since 97 year old Maria Amelia Lopez Solino of Spain held this title until her death in May 2009. Maria Amelia?s blog was read by a staggering 150 million visitors and it focused on Spanish politics, as well as more personal recollections of growing up in Spain. </p> <p>Butisingh plans to carry on the blogging mantle and says that he is in great health. Without a need to take any medications, no outstanding illnesses and the ability to perform all daily tasks without assistance, Butisingh will likely have many more blog entries to come. What all of this shows, however, is that blogging is now embraced by a wide cross section of society, both in Europe as well as in North America. If Butisingh?s generation is blogging, they are clearly also reading other blogs, and this opens up a world of possibilities for companies around the world.<br />
ContinuedFastest growing church launches blog
America?s fastest growing religious movement, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS)?whose followers are more commonly known as Mormons?has joined the world of web 2.0 and launched a brand new blog. Based in Salt Lake City, Mormonism now counts over 13 million members worldwide. The church may be a new addition to the blogosphere, but is seems to understand very well how to maximize its blogging presence. </p> <p>While only a few years ago, bloggers would have had to rely almost exclusively on Google and other search engines to drive traffic to their site, the savviest blogs now make use of the world?s most popular social networking tools. As such, the new LDS blog will use the microblogging site Twitter, as well as Facebook, to encourage surfers to read the entries. Both Twitter and Facebook allow bloggers to link their entries to status updates and profile pages, which means that having more friends or followers on these social networking sites translates into the a higher readership for one?s blog. </p> <p>LDS is very clearly media and internet savvy, and the organization has even appointed a ?manager of social media.? Lyman Kirkland heads this department and he noted that the church?s blog should be seen as a more informal and relaxed source of information, rather than a place to find press releases or statements on official positions or doctrines. The church contends that the main purpose behind this blogging effort is put a more human and personal face on Mormonism?s public relations efforts.</p> <p>
ContinuedBestselling author turns to blogging to promote book
Few might have thought that the internationally-acclaimed, bestselling author Margaret Atwood might need to go out of her way to market her new book, especially considering her reputation as the matron of Canadian literature and the North American nation?s wealthiest writer. But Atwood has rolled up her sleeves and jumped into the world of blogging this month, in an effort to popularize her newest work, The Year of the Flood. While Atwood?s book is set to appear in bookstores in late September, the prolific author wasted no time connecting with fans and potential readers, through a new blog. Atwood?s site?hosted by Wordpress?started off with a personal note; the author published a post on her upcoming travel by boat to the United Kingdom, as well as a photo of the English garden behind her Toronto home. </p> <p>Readers will be able to visit the blog in order to follow Atwood during her upcoming book tour and keep track of her experiences. The fact that even the world?s most prolific authors feel the need to launch blogs speaks to the sheer importance of this innovative medium. Unlike traditional newspapers or dry press releases, blogs allow celebrities, companies and community leaders to connect with clients and interested parties in a much more meaningful and personal way. Rather than simply offering readers another run-of-the-mill biography of Atwood?s life, the blog gives us a much more intimate glimpse into the author?s personal experience and this may likely translate into even more impressive book sales.<br />
ContinuedVeteran freelance writer talks about joys and challenges of content writing
Lisa Mason has worked as a full-time freelance writer for more than a decade and has been able to secure a comfortable income through a combination of online content writing and blogging over the past years. In fact, as a sign of how the media world is changing, Mason explained in a recent interview how she started off working as a freelancer for a local print publication, but decided to focus on internet-based content writing instead. Mason mentioned that one of the main advantages of content writing and freelancing is that authors have the ability to formulate their own schedule and work in the most flexible environment. Mason noted that few employees have the luxury of working in their pyjamas from the comfort of their own home and the experienced freelancer is also writing a book on how content writing can be an ideal source of extra income for stay-at-home mothers who would like to make money, while also raising their children. </p> <p>Mason also finds that the diversity of work she receives?from content writing and blogging to ghostwriting?is one of the main perks of her job, in addition to the flexible working hours. But there are certainly challenges that freelance writers face as well. The two biggest dangers can be burnout and a lack of motivation. Mason suggests that varying projects can be one of the best options whenever a freelancer finds him/herself unmotivated to work or on the verge of a burnout. Mason notes that she will often work for a few hours on smaller projects and then turn to larger ones, or focus on article writing, before switching to blogging, in order to keep herself motivated.<br />