Blogs and bloggers are playing an increasingly important role in the media world, as traditional newspapers go through dramatic cuts-backs and as the vast majority of young adults in Europe and North America now go straight to the internet for their news, rather than to their daily. Media studies professor Kevin Schut, of Canada?s Trinity Western University, wrote extensively on the decline of traditional journalism and the rise of Web 2.0 blogging and content writing in a piece entitled ?The Death of Newspapers?? Schut believes that the newspaper industry is ?likely doomed,? as the majority of people under 35 years of age now turn to the internet for an abundance of regularly updated news. </p> <p>Even some of the most prominent newspapers in America are effectively being pushed out of business, such as the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which cancelled its print edition and laid off 145 of its 165 employers, keeping only a small contingent to support a modest web presence. Canada?s second largest national daily is struggling as well. The National Post has decided to no longer publish a paper on Mondays during the summer months and its parent company, CanWest Global, is deep in debt. </p> <p>Bloggers are increasingly stepping in to fill the gap left by newspapers that either downsized dramatically or folded altogether. One such prominent blogger, Michael Geist, managed to make headlines when he went after journalists who had plagiarized internet content, even as traditional news outlets kept this story silent. </p> <p>Schut concludes that journalism will never disappear, even if newspapers do eventually die out. Instead, bloggers may become some of the most successful grassroots journalists of the 21st century.<br />
ContinuedBloggers step up to the plate as traditional print journalism declines
Research and creativity central to good content writing
Content writers increasingly form the backbone of the internet, as keyword-rich web content is what drives search engines and users to websites. But content writing can be a challenging type of freelancing, as content writers must always produce material that stands out from the vast array of written content that appears on the internet on nearly every topic. While a freelancer working for a journal or traditional publication will focus on producing something catchy in order to keep a reading audience?s attention, content writers must also make sure that their material draws consumers to the websites that feature their material and that it indirectly markets the given organisation. </p> <p>Content writers need to possess excellent research skills and a high dose of creativity. Since most topics have already been written about innumerable times online, a content writer?s job is to offer a slightly different angle and make his/her story stand out from all the others. One of the best ways to do this is to conduct research into what has already been written about on a subject, and then simply choose a different angle. Effective content writing is never simply paraphrasing or re-writing material that has appeared elsewhere, but rather presenting an issue, a subject or a news event in a fresh light. For example, if most recent articles on investments have focused on the recession and losses, then a piece on the surprise success of the most unlikely investors would stand out from the crowd and offer readers something a little different.<br />
ContinuedWhy You Need a Call to Action on Your Web Site
Veteran freelancer urges new content writers to read widely
According to Boston-based freelance writer Jeri Zeder, one of the best ways to develop into an effective freelancer or content writer is to read as much as possible, including books that focus on the in and outs of writing. Zeder also recommends that new freelancers or content writers display a clear sense of passion for the topics that they focus on, but without coming across as excessively one-sided or preachy. A sense of passion for a given niche topic or field is crucial, as readers can often tell if a content writer?s piece is simply a sterile summary or re-write of news items that have already appeared on other sites. </p> <p>Since content writers often have to create articles on a broad range of topics or issues, one of the best ways to become truly fascinated by a given field is to conduct a little research into the major controversies and the newest developments, as well as determine how a seemingly remote theme might have much broader consequences. For example, news that one discount airline is contemplating charging passengers for bathroom usage is most relevant within the broader context of how in-flight service is declining throughout the western world and the implications for consumer rights. </p> <p>Zeder has written widely over the years for some of the most prominent publications, including law magazines published by Harvard and Boston College, as well as for the Boston Globe. Most of Zeder?s articles examine issues of human rights, security and terrorism, as well as the American justice system.<br />
ContinuedBlogging passion leads to book and movie deal
Many of the world?s most successful bloggers started from the most humble beginnings, including modest blogs based on a favourite hobby or a pet project that then take on lives of their own. Blogging can lead to unexpected success and culinary expert and avid blogger Julie Powell probably knows this better than anyone else. When Powell launched her blog, she had very little else in mind other than documenting her personal culinary adventures, based on recipes developed by the legendary Julia Childs. Yet Powell?s hobby turned into a full fledged and successful business, as the blogger became an international celebrity in her own right. </p> <p>Powell?s blog became so popular that it landed her both a book deal, as well as a brand new blockbuster film on her favourite subject, namely Julia Childs? decades worth of work culinary innovations. Powell was only 29 years old when she launched her blog, back in 2002, and she wrote just as much for herself, as for a very small audience of cooking enthusiasts. Powell never imagined that just eight years later, her hobby would turn her into a literary and film celebrity.</p> <p>While clearly not all of the world?s estimated 133 million bloggers become celebrities, Technocrati blogging veteran Jennifer McLean does believes that an entire class of professional bloggers has developed over the years. These are people and companies who write blogs not simply as a personal hobby, but for business. While the majority of these professional bloggers are not especially wealthy, many are able to turn a healthy profit from their writing work, while others use their blogs as a forum to build their reputation in a niche market or industry.<br />
ContinuedSuccessful blogger becomes celebrity
One of the best ways for individuals or companies to get noticed is to start up a well-written, engaging and frequently updated blog, as fashion expert and avid blogger Scott Schuman learned first-hand. Only a couple of years ago, Schuman was just one of tens of thousands of North American bloggers, yet earlier this week he was given a spot to popularize his blog and meet fans at Holt Renfrew, Toronto?s most prestigious clothing store. </p> <p>Schuman?s blog, The Sartorialist, was launched in 2005 and it offered readers fascinated by the world of fashion something a little different. Rather than featuring the photos of models in fancy designer clothing, Schuman went out onto the streets of North American cities and took photographs of ordinary people walking and going about their daily routine, in order to provide a more realistic glimpse of how average citizens actually dress. Schuman viewed fashion as an expression of democracy, as everyone could choose what type of image they wanted to show the world and the values that they wished to portray. </p> <p>The Sartorialist turned out to be a huge success. Schuman?s blog attracts an average of 120,000 hits per day and as he admitted in an interview with the Toronto Star, this creative blogger was able to turn a serious profit from his blogging ?pretty quick.? Companies also seem to listen to the most prominent and popular bloggers and as such, some of the largest designers and style magazines regularly turn to Schuman for his expert advice on fashion and on what might be popular with consumers. Schuman?s blog also sparked the interest of the artistic community and his photographs are now sold as prints for over $1,200 each and displayed in New York City art galleries.<br />
ContinuedCorporations look to spend more on internet content
Print publications that rely heavily on advertising revenue are feeling the pinch as the recession drags on, but the world of digital written content and marketing seems to be performing much better. According to a recent survey of corporate executives in charge of marketing ventures for their respective companies, the majority of firms will be spending more than ever before over the next six months on internet-based marketing campaigns, including both advertising, as well as content writing. But most of these companies?some of which have digital advertising budgets that surpass $1 million per annum?will target a handful of the most popular sites and blogs when it comes to marketing and attracting prospective clients. An increasing number of these execs now realize that most of the growth is taking place in the case of so-called ?mommy blogs? and news-based websites geared towards women.</p> <p>Female bloggers, as well as sites focused on issues important to women between 25 and 54 years of age, are especially important to companies, as they serve as de facto emissaries of consumer society. Women in this age range often have children living with them and they are most likely to do the bulk of the shopping for the whole family. As a growing number of women become bloggers and launch ?mommy blogs? they play a greater role than ever before in influencing consumer practices, through their candid reviews of products and services. While this can provide much needed exposure for companies, nothing will replace targeted content writing, through which the given firm can control the message being sent out and can also attract new clients by spicing up their marketing campaign with useful, newsworthy material of interest to all readers.<br />
ContinuedThree tips for quality content writing
Producing written content that is effective, lucid and catchy is easier said than done and many company CEOs struggle when their employees demonstrate difficulty in expressing themselves in written English. The British periodical Business in Berkshire recently published a story on just how much difficulty some company directors have when it comes to entrusting their in-house staff with content writing. For example, the director of a prominent consultancy firm spoke with the journal and recalled a time when he recently asked one of his employees to produce a brief report on a pressing issue and allocated one hour for this task. Yet once the staff member submitted the completed report, the director was forced to spend more than half an hour just correcting the stylistic and grammatical errors.</p> <p>One solution is to use the services of content creation companies, which have on-hand experienced freelance writers from all backgrounds. What the best freelancers often have in common is that they are familiar with the three key factors that can make for good content writing. First, it is always important to plan what you will write. A content writer should never start typing away an article before first having a general idea of the points that he/she would like to get across. Planning all written content is key, and even when simply firing off e-mails or letters.</p> <p>Second, the freelance writer always needs to consider who the targeted audience might be. An article or a blog post might seem perfectly clear and logical to the freelancer who wrote it, but it must also make sense to readers from a wide array of linguistic and educational backgrounds. As such, simple, succinct sentences are king in content writing, as they appeal to the broadest audience.</p> <p>Finally, proofreading is always essential to good content writing. Even the best freelancers or typists will make mistakes. A good rule of thumb is to spend one third of the time allocated to writing an article actually reading it over and checking for stylistic or grammatical errors.<br />
ContinuedBlogging 101: The Basics
If you want to learn about blogging, you have to start from the beginning. In its most basic form, a blog is a type of online journal. In its original form, it contained the writer's personal thoughts, observations and comments. Some blogs were general in nature, while other ones focused on a particular theme.
ContinuedGrowing number of women become bloggers
When blogging first took off 10 years ago, it was a niche hobby dominated very heavily by computer-savvy men. But since corporate blogging developed into a mainstream phenomenon thanks to the rise of Web 2.0 technology and as a growing number of firms started to pay close attention to what consumers were writing about their products, women are taking much more active role in the blogosphere than ever before. In fact, the most recent evidence of this is a phenomenon entitled ?BlogHer.? BlogHer is a prominent symposium being organized in Chicago, where female bloggers descend on the Windy City from all corners of the continent and the world. In fact, more than 1,500 female bloggers are expected to participate in the colloquium, which aims to explore the role that women play in this relatively new form of electronic media and social networking.</p> <p>Female bloggers comprise an especially important cross-section of society for companies, since women are often some of the most experienced consumers. For examples, so called ?mummy blogging? is a brand new phenomenon, where stay-at-home mothers are no longer isolated in their homes, but share their experience with different products and consumer services, as well as life in general, with internet readers throughout the world. The world?s largest firms have already caught on and realized that bloggers and blogs are crucial in their marketing campaigns, and positive posts can help sell products. This is almost certainly why the innovative BlogHer conference has managed to attract two of the most prominent brands as sponsors, namely PepsiCo and Chevrolet.<br />