<br /> Anyone who thinks that freelance writing is monotonous or boring might change their mind by simply looking at the daring adventure that British freelancer Paul Smith has decided to embark upon. Smith, who writes for a wide array of websites, as well as the United Kingdom?s Guardian newspaper, will travel to all corners of the globe, in order to support his charity of choice. Smith cares deeply about the world?s fresh water supply and has used his writing and online interviews to raise awareness of this cause. The freelance author?s international expedition will include a very strict and tightly regimented routine. Smith will only accept lodging in the places he visits from people he met through Twitter, the online social networking and blogging tool, and will never spend more than 48 hours in a single location. In fact, Smith?s challenge is to ensure that he keeps moving every two days and failure to do this will mean the immediate end of his expedition.<br /> The prolific freelance writer is also making his trip even more challenging by only taking a minimum amount of food and supplies with him. Smith will only have on his person items that he is able to carry without assistance and will spend no money, except on food. </p>
ContinuedFreelance writer decides to travel around the world
Schoolboy becomes award-winning blogger
<br /> A fourteen year old schoolboy from Ireland scooped up the small island country?s top blogging prize, when he won first place at the Irish Blog Awards. The online writings and musing of Tommy Collison, based in Limerick, have caught the attention of the most well-read, adult audiences, despite the talented young author?s age. Collison seems to be somewhat of a Renaissance man when it comes to his blog, as he writes convincingly on a vast range of topics, including everything from pancakes and sweets to schooling and education.<br /> According to the Irish Times newspaper, Collison is easily among the most talented bloggers in Ireland. While some may be surprised by his ability to win a major national prize for his online, freelance writing, this can also serve as an inspiration to other young aspiring bloggers who can strive for similar media attention, by simply producing quality content. Prizes such as the Irish Blog Awards show that bloggers are increasingly recognized for their work and that a thoughtful, well-written blog can even lead to interest on the part of mainstream journalists affiliated with major print publications.<br /> The Irish Blog Awards jury certainly faced a noteworthy challenge, as seven judges had to evaluate a total of 500 blogs that were submitted to this competition, extending over 20 thematic categories. The contest also serves to raise awareness for several important causes, including a hospice in Ireland, as well as a support network for those who have been victims of abuse.<br /> Thank you to Olivia Kelleher of The Irish Times for the initial report. </p> <p>
ContinuedBlogging helps build author or publisher credibility
<br /> Traditional book and magazine publishers and the world?s largest newspapers are facing a major threat by the rise of blog writing across the United Kingdom, Europe and North America. Readers are often attracted to the fact that blogs offer valuable information produced by ?ordinary? people who are far more accessible and willing to engage in dialogue or answer questions than the vast majority of professional journalists. Blogs have transformed the way in which people access information and bloggers are frequently able to publish breaking stories or offer detailed personal reporting before large media companies or publishers dispatch their journalists to the scene.<br /> Blog writing offers a world of benefits for not only the reader, but also for bloggers. While only a decade ago, most people who wanted to get published and have their ideas read would have had little choice but to rely on vanity press companies that are not always taken seriously, the most prominent academics and the highest ranking politicians engage in blogging. As such, publishing a well-written blog focused on a specific topic?such as real estate, investments or travel?can provide writers or companies that publish blogs real credibility. It also ensures that readers keep returning to the firm?s website, because they feel that the given company is going beyond simply selling a product, but is also willing to offer sound advice. In some cases, a blog publisher can even use his/her site to earn extra revenue, by signing up for a range of ad programs, such as Adsense or Adbrite, both of which generate additional income whenever visitors click on sponsored links placed strategically on the site.<br /> An effective blog, however, requires regular updates and constant new articles, and bloggers should always encourage user comments and other feedback, in order to build a loyal base of readers who will make regular return visits.</p>
ContinuedQuality web content can help expand small businesses
<br /> Business magazine CanadaOne suggests that entrepreneurs or small companies looking to expand their online presence - or those seeking to establish major e-commerce firms - start off by regularly adding original written content to their websites, in order to attract visitors and also retain their already existing clientele, and give them something that will keep bringing them back to the given website. But the problem, according to this business publication, is that the vast majority of sites that do include written content are doing so ineffectively. CanadaOne?s main recommendation is that those who choose to hire content writers, or engage companies which offer such services, be certain that they understand their clientele?s specific needs and offer articles that respond to their particular interests. This means that it is especially important to fine tune content in order to complement the company?s main fields of interest and to make sure that all articles are written in a simple, straightforward and direct manner.<br /> Websites often appeal most to readers and visitors if they provide content that avoids excessive rhetoric, wordiness, embellishment and is not overly self-absorbed. This means that web-based companies should try to provide written content which goes beyond simply advertising the firm?s products or services. Most internet users will be unlikely to return to a website that offers nothing but promotional material or press releases. Original content writing carefully takes into consideration the interests of the target readership, while ensuring that the material being produced is actually useful to readers, and not simply a replica of what might appear in a commercial brochure or on a flyer.<br /> Thank you to CanadaOne for the initial report.</p> <p>
ContinuedFreelance writing provides flexibility and extra part-time income
<br /> Freelance writers in the United States, the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the Western world often bring a wide range of work and life experience to their craft. As the current economic crisis deepens, people from all walks of life who enjoy writing are finding that working as a freelance writer can be among the best part-time jobs available, since hours are more flexible than anywhere else, and freelancing can often supplement a more regular salary. American freelance writer Caitlin Kelly knows about all this first hand and she published a column in the New York Times this past weekend, in which she examined her life as a part-time retail clerk and freelance writer. For some, working part-time at a retail outlet could not seem further from the world of freelance journalism and content writing, but Kelly has found that it fits in well with her other long-standing career, as a freelance writer.<br /> Caitlin Kelly wrote in the New York Times that her frontline, customer service work allowed her to develop community contacts, which could prove valuable to her as a freelancer, while also sharing with others the rich experiences she gained through long years as a freelance journalist covering an array of topics.<br /> There is no question that print journalism is in trouble and that writers affiliated with major brands?including the New York Times?are concerned about the future of their company and their own employment prospects. But online media is thriving, even during the global recession and it seems likely that many of today?s print journalists will have to redefine themselves as internet-based freelance writers in the near future.<br /> Thank you to Caitlin Kelly for the initial report. </p> <p>
Do you have problems writing effective headlines and blog post titles?</p> <p>When writing copy for the web it is vital to use headlines and titles effectively to grab the attention of the reader.</p>
ContinuedThe Art of Effective Pr
<br /> What is pr</p>
ContinuedThe Power of Words
ContinuedThis is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.
ContinuedHooking A Reader Straight Away Is Vital, Here's How!
When you are writing for the web, it's a completely different thing than writing for a print medium. People who are looking for information online are more apt to skim through a web page to see if it contains the information they are looking for than to settle down to read the page in detail. If you want to capture your reader's attention and keep them reading to the bottom of the web page, you need to get to the point quickly.</p> <p>You can hook your reader's interest by telling them what your web page is about in the first sentence or two. If you have posted an informative article, make sure that the first paragraph mentions the main points that it will cover. You can then go on to provide more information in subsequent paragraphs. This is a different way of writing, and it may seem at first like your article is standing on its head. It's not.</p> <p>Here is how to set up a content article to hook your readers right away:</p> <p>1. Start with an introductory paragraph. Include a sentence that indicates the main points you are going to discuss.</p> <p>2. Take each point you have decided to discuss and write one paragraph where you expand on that idea for each one. Keep your paragraphs short and to the point; between three and five sentences each should be enough.</p> <p>3. Write a paragraph summing up the information you have provided.</p> <p>With this technique, you have hooked your reader's interest from the outset and made it much more likely that they will continue reading down to the end of your web page. The last thing you want is to bury the information the reader is looking for at the bottom of the page, since web surfers want to be able to find what they are looking for very quickly.