Getting a new website up and running is only the first part of an extended job for anyone looking to successfully market their business online.
ContinuedTips for getting a new website indexed on Google
New store visit metrics in Google AdWords
The store visits metric is an extremely useful tool for AdWords marketers, and now Google has announced new features for it.
ContinuedCopyright support offered by Google for YouTube infringements
Although it actually owns the company, Google has said it will help fund up to $1 million (£650,000) in legal fees for content creators who fall foul of YouTube copyright takedown notices.
ContinuedUpdates to Google+ being rolled out
Google has announced updates and changes to Google+. These are being rolled out now.
ContinuedGoogle announces date for drone delivery service
The latest new initiative from Google is called Project Wing, and it aims to achieve deliveries by drone to customers by 2017.
ContinuedGoogle to merge Chrome OS with Android
Parent company Alphabet Inc. has plans for Google to integrate the Chrome operating system used for personal computers into the Android mobile operating system, which is widely used on some of the biggest-selling smartphones in the world.
ContinuedSneak mobile redirects warning from Google
Webmasters who employ “sneak mobile redirects" risk incurring the wrath of Google after a new warning from the search giant.
ContinuedGoogle's Project Loon stratospheric internet-beaming balloons
Since the very early days of the internet, the idea has been that the connections it offers should be truly global, as the early name of the “world web web” promised.
ContinuedNew Google artificial intelligence algorithm RankBrain
The latest news from Google is that the tech giant is now using a machine-learning artificial intelligence system called RankBrain.
ContinuedYahoo makes search and advertising deal with Google
Yahoo has entered into a deal with long-term rival Google, the company has announced. Although it isn't an exclusive along the lines of Yahoo's previous hook up with Microsoft, the partnership will mean more options become available.